About me
Hello, my name is John, I have a First Class Honours degree in Computer Games Development from John Moores University. I have been interested in coding since I was 7 when I received a Raspberry Pi for my birthday.
I want to develop a career in games development.
My strengths include being able to easily understand code and quickly find solutions, my autism enables me to see problems from different perspectives which leads me to resolve errors or glitches very quickly.
I work well with others and am good at coordinating a team to deliver tasks within timescales. My favourite programming language is Python because it's very quick to programme an idea that pops into my mind. My passion is creating games and playing them. All my spare time is spent gaming and developing then testing new ideas for games.
Collaborative Game Creation: Cyber Universe Massacre
This was a university project and is a 2d shooter game that I worked on in a team of 4.
Unlike a normal shooter, the player can destroy the environment and carve their way through the map, killing enemies. Or, they can save their ammunition and walk around.
My main role was to combine the parts that others created into the game, while also developing the player. I created the character, the movement and the interactivity.
My other role was organising the meetings to plan the game and delegating tasks to the members of the group to keep us to our timetable and ensuring that everyone was clear and understood what they had agreed to do to deliver this project on time.
I independently learned how Unreal’s 2d paper system works and I made a simple 2d "tower defence" style game where the user can buy "towers" and defend the plants. The user can farm the plants and gain money. There are different tower variants, including the speed of the bullet, fire rate and level of damage. It is a prototype game with the potential to develop into a more intricate system, such as buying upgrades, for example, towers with different abilities.
Time Jump
This is a 3d game I made by myself. It is based on jumping between two moments in time, based on a concept in Titanfall 2. The player has to solve puzzles to progress. In the future time zone, the building is dilapidated and most things are broken, things are on fire, there are water leaks from pipes on the walls, sparks are flying from electrical cables, these obstacles are designed to block your progress and present challenges to the player. When the player moves to the past everything is brand new because it's just been constructed.. In the future, you can't move forward because for example a door is broken, so you go into the past but find out the door is locked but does work, you can't get through, you have to solve puzzles to get the key card , this will enable you to get through the door in the past. The game is about moving from the past to the future by solving puzzles and overcoming obstacles.
Potion Shop
This is a game that I collaborated on with another student during my time at university. The game is set in the medieval era with magical elements. I worked on the main components, such as the potion bottles, the cauldron and created the system which tells the customer to randomly select a potion that the player needs to make for them. The player can combine different ingredients to make potions such as a poison potion by mixing
‘nightshade’ with water. Another part of the game which I developed was the “Holy” book, this was used to make potions” holy” / magical , for example, the water potion would become holy water or a poison potion would convert to an antidote or damage potion would convert to a healing potion.